Page name: Hide out 3rd floor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-02 06:53:54
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Third floor

Bed rooms

Fern's bed room


Luki's bedroom


Haniko's bedroom


Loshya's bedroom


Seth's bedroom


Drake's bedroom


Rhett's bedroom


Mark's bedroom


Graham's bedroom


Desmond's bedroom


Blaze's bedroom


Blaine & Darryl's bedroom


Lilly's room


Nova's bedroom










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2013-02-23 [ancienteye]: Ah. :P

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: And yes as long as Will Sam and Dean are in the nine-tailed form,they can survive explosions

2013-02-23 [Kbird]: Hmm This will be interesting....

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: How so Kbird?

2013-02-23 [Kbird]: Oh just thinking that's all....can't tell you yet.;)

2013-02-23 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ahh I see ;)

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: Yep Fern's making it quick already...>.>

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: ...Did Haniko not know beforehand? XP

2013-03-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Not know about what ancient

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: That Fern's in charge. :P

2013-03-03 [Kbird]: She know Fern had the name of "Ringleader or Boss-lady" but she didn't know if Fern WAS a boss

2013-03-03 [ancienteye]: Ah, so she thought it was just a title for show. XP

2013-03-04 [ancienteye]: ...Kbird? It says that Crimson was the last to update this page and I see no change in it. :/

2013-03-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: I like this room...


2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Do you want it to be Karin's?

2013-03-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yes. :D

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Why, yes, I am using Aspen as a plot device to get to a time-skip. XP

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Even though Dean does think that Aspen is a pest sometimes he does think of her as a friend

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Then the mutt obviously doesn't know me well enough, yet." >:P

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: lol Aspen can be nice..pfffffft never mind!

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: normally I would kill the person that called me a mutt but if that's what Aspen wants to call me I'm fine with it

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: She is to Mark... I can't decide why, though. :/ Is it an attraction?
Aspen: "I've always said I'd rather have a dog than a boyfriend: They're easier to train." XP
Me: "That seems rather ambiguous... You either just said you're /not/ interested, or you like him, but think of him as a 'easy-to-train' dog." >:/ "Seems a little insulting."
Aspen: "Hey, that's how you wrote my personality." e____e

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *to Dean* "Also I'm kind of dead already, so killing me is a no-go." >:P

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me: Wow....>.> that's cold.
Mark: Easy to train? hehe *smirk*

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: *to Aspen* I know that

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: O.O What's the smirking for?
Aspen: *to Kbird* "Hey, talk to her if you don't like it." *points at me*

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me: beside Fern Mark doesn't wouldn't listen to anyone unless it was for buisness.
Mark:.....Your going to give away all my secerts..
Graham: XD I ASKED HIM TO SAY THAT!! hahaha

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "So there's your answer." >:P
Me: "Ah. Got it. So you're /not/ interested in him." *thinking face* "....But I still don't get why he's the only one you're nice to~!" TT__TT "I'm the writer! I should know this about my own character!" :T
Aspen: "Then you're not doing a very good job, huh?" >:P

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me:ASPEN BE NICE!!>:O *To ancient* It happens to me sometimes too.
Mark:That just mean your both bad Rpg players.
Me:Grrr you shut up!

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "'Nice' isn't supposed to be in my vocabulary~" =^_^=
Me: e________e "...Why do I like having you around again?"
Aspen: "'Cause having a character who is everywhere at once and can insult anybody helps move the plot along?" >:D
Me: "Oh, yeah..."

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me:....and your picture made you look so kind too.
Nova: She works for me, and you think she's going to be kind?

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *shrugs* "'Never judge a book by it's cover' and all that stuff." XP
Me: "Yeah, Nova's got a point." e__________e

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me: true....but she is fun to have around.:/

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Me: "Yeah." :P "That's true."
Aspen: >:P
Me: *eyes Aspen warily* "Or, y'know, sometimes."

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Mark: She's a good spy too.

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Indeed I am~" =^_^=
Fern: "And just /so/ modest and humble, too." e___e
Aspen: "Take a look in the mirror, /ringleader/." >:P

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me: Oye...And such a great team player too.

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: ...Was that sarcasm?
Aspen: *narrows eyes at Kbird* "What exactly did I do to you?"
Fern: XD

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Raven do you have something you want to say to the ghost

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Raven:*Eye twitch* Just wait for the rp page!
Me: *to Aspen* your can't do anything to me.*smile* *about Raven* Did I just see abit of Dean?

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *mutters bitterly*

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Me:I think you did

Dean: I've seen that look before

Will: so have I and the outcome is never good

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Pft. Big deal." e___e
Me: "Says the person without a life to lose." =_____=
Aspen: "Exactly~" >:P

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Raven:I have a soul-sucker with me...and I'll be ready next time you pop up.
Me: please stop fighting...that's what rp page is for.

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Nice try, but I've possessed you before, and it only gets easier every time." >:P

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: sis calm down and please don't start anything

Me: never did think I'd see Will trying to stop Raven from fighting. It's usually the other way around.

Dean: Raven I have a soul-sucker on my side to

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Yuki:*Runs up grabbs Raven and runs off*Kidnapped!!!

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Yuki* thanks

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Fern and Aspen: *blink blink* O.O
Jace: "You two saw nothing." *walks calmly as he follows Yuki*

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Chris:O.O I..think we did see something.

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: *turns and follows Jace and Yuki* it always helps to have backup

Dean: O.O

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Chris* "I'm not sure what just happened, but it's probably none of our business." :/

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Chris:..Hmmm it looks like something noughty, I mean three boys running of with a girl.

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*to Chris* that's my brother and sister your talking about

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: "And as much as I hate to admit it, /my/ older brother isn't that kind of guy." e_____e
Aspen: *to Chris* "Nice observation!" XD

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Chris:Thanks...*To Dean* are they into that sorta thing?!O.O

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *snicker, snort* XD XD XD

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: H*** no. He's just protective of her

Me: I'm going to hold off on Will until we can get Dean and his team down to the underworld. That is if Aspen tells Dean that Will is down there

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Me:Pffft okay...Chris's mind wanders when he's sleepy.
Chris: <.< soo the little kid's the pervert?

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: She doesn't know until the afternoon! Just have Dean go to sleep and we can timeskip until just a couple of hours before she gets the news! D: Or right when she can tell people what's going on if we want to skip over any potential light moments and go right to the plot-heavy moments.

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok just give me a minute to fix Deans post before you put it up then

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: "....I believe that's Haniko's brother you're talking about, Chris."

2013-03-06 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Ok the post is fixed and can be put up

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Haniko & Luki: He...wouldn't infact he's more like a girl.

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Pft. You and your goody-goody brothers are boring." *pouts*

2013-03-06 [Kbird]: Chris: Are they any Bad-A** good guys?

2013-03-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: "My brother's actually rather strong, and I'm told he is a nearly sadistic trainer, but outside of battlefields and training grounds, he's disappointingly tame." e___________e

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Chris: Hmmmm booooorrreeeeiiinng!!!!!!!!

2013-03-07 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "My point exactly." e__________________________e

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Me: Alex, and Meko are bad!>:D

2013-03-07 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Not when they're in the same room~" XP
Fern: "She knows freakin' /everything/!" >:/

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Me:O.O she really is every where and no where.....true..they are....Oh what about Sam and Ciel!

2013-03-07 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam is like Will, laid back until you make him angry and then he is like his mom or as one of Will's friends put it a fire breathing dragon

2013-03-07 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *to Kbird* "Tsk. You mean the goody-goody's son and the widdle boy looking for his mommy and daddy~ Oh noes I so scared~" >:P
Me: "This is what happens when you ask for Aspen's opinions." e____________e

2013-03-07 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean* thinking*'on second thought maybe joining Will isn't such a bad idea'

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Chris Haniko:*Look at Dean as if he's crazy* Are you feeling okay?

2013-03-07 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: So how are we going to get things started here

Dean: I'm fine just thinking that's all

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Lets go to the plot point!>:D

2013-03-07 [ancienteye]: Do we want everybody waking and stuff (slow start with a few hours until Aspen gets the news) or a timeskip until everybody's already up and moving around and working (Aspen gets the news almost right away)?

2013-03-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-03-07 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I say time skip what about you Kbird

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: Timeskip....Otherwise we might get tied up with some fun randomness.

2013-03-07 [ancienteye]: Got it. In that case, Fern will be in her new sniper room. XP

2013-03-07 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: How should I make out Deans next post then

2013-03-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-03-07 [Kbird]: do a berief statement of what he was doing or has been doing and what he is doing now.

2013-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Since Karin's no longer with Fern can her bedroom be Seth's instead? lol

2013-03-11 [ancienteye]: Ok. XP Dean and Chris's rooms are up for grabs now, too.

2013-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok wait I want Chris' room for Seth. lol

2013-03-11 [Kbird]: Okay...hmmm I'm taking the bottom room.

2013-03-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Loshya gets a pretty room. :D

2013-03-11 [ancienteye]: Don't forget to move it up and label it with her name.

2013-03-11 [Kbird]: yep...she has high test,,,when she can.

2013-03-26 [Kbird]: hahaha I really had trouble think of wither-or-not Mark would say that

2013-03-26 [ancienteye]: He's still her little brother, so I think he's the only one in that room that would. XD

2013-03-26 [Kbird]: lol true

2013-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Are these guys on the same day as the facility?

2013-03-26 [ancienteye]: Early Easter morning. Like, 1:00 in the morning. XP Fern was on her way to bed.

2013-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, ok.


2013-03-26 [ancienteye]: She never really thought about it, let alone considered it a possibility until Mark bought it up... But who wouldn't be insecure about that?

2013-03-26 [Kbird]: true....I just figured she was the time that wouldn't give a D*** what others thought

2013-03-26 [ancienteye]: She usually isn't. XP But she's still a woman. What female doesn't get a little insecure from time to time? This is like a once in a decade thing for her, though. XP And she'd only ever ask Graham about something like that...

2013-03-26 [Kbird]: lol Graham's her girly girl friend

2013-03-26 [ancienteye]: Yeah, pretty much. XP

2013-03-30 [ancienteye]: ...I think it's Loshya's turn on this page.

2013-09-02 [Kbird]: WHO DOES THIS FIT!!

Verse 1:

No, you want to think that it's okay
The air is thin you smoke anyway

It's just another day.

You've run in place until your legs they shake
They ache the pain don't change a thing

It's just another day.


Just breathe
You don't have to say a word

It's never worth a fight you're gonna lose your mind
You're dying Miss America

Verse 2:

Looking for some sense of shelter
You don't know what you're after no

Why don't you turn to stone?

Live so fast all for no-one
The dream won't last forgotten where you're from

So where'd it all go wrong?


Just breathe
You don't have to say a word

It's never worth a fight you're gonna lose your mind
You're dying Miss America

Just breathe
You don't have to save the world

It's never worth a fight you're gonna lose your mind
You're dying Miss America


Miss America!
Miss America!

There will be no setting sun tonight
We'll have to leave you home tonight

You don't have to say a word
It's never worth a fight

You're gonna lose your mind
You're dying Miss America


Just breathe
You don't have to say a word

It's never worth a fight
You're gonna lose your mind
You're dying Miss America

Did you believe
You were gonna fix it all?

You wanna be so strong
It'll always go so wrong
You're dying Miss America

No you want to think that it's o.k.
To think it's just another day

You're dying Miss America

No you want to think that it's o.k.
To think it's just another day

You're dying Miss America

2013-09-02 [ancienteye]: This fits a lot of characters... Being so determined about doing something they nearly kill themselves or drive themselves insane over it.

2013-09-02 [Kbird]: Yeah...but some lines don't the first/second not many people smoke

2013-09-02 [ancienteye]: And no females that smoke, as far as I'm aware. :/

2013-09-03 [Kbird]: ehh Celst ejoys one sometimes...but I don't think she fits this

2013-09-03 [ancienteye]: Yeah. She doesn't have a goal like that...

2013-09-03 [ancienteye]: Who's next?

2013-09-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: i sould post something for lil will but right now he is just listening to the others talk

2013-09-03 [Kbird]: sorry internet broke

2013-09-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: thats ok Kbird

2013-09-03 [ancienteye]: Oh. The internet again. I thought you got pulled away for the night or something. :P

2013-09-03 [Kbird]: nope.

2013-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Should I bring in Numori with Fern, Yuki and Haniko and make it so she got lost or something?

2013-09-03 [ancienteye]: Kbird's internet is being fussy tonight.

2013-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh.

2013-09-03 [Kbird]: you can do that...sence Haniko isn't sure about Numori she probably did ditch her :P

2013-09-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Ok.

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: This is depressing....Hanikos sooo mean.....

2013-09-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: No, she's just got a lot of anger and bitterness trapped inside due to her mother dying and leaving her and her family.

Kind of like Ed and his father.

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Yeah. I want to hug....but I also want scold her and tell that Numoris gone through a lot too! Lol I'm glad you understand her standpoint

2013-09-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, I get it. :D

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Oi silly children.....ill edit this soon

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Ok. :P

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: I'm ready to have Haniko say something like."Well I don't need my mom cause I have Miss Fern!!" XD

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: And Fern would be all: O.O >__> ... ^_^"

2013-09-04 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I see. Hmm not sure to how Lil Will would react to that

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Lol nice~

Yuki would probably. Be like: O.O <_< >_> <img:img/mood/61513_1224163314.gif>

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Yuki doesn't who to hate anymore!!

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: Fern would have let him die if Graham didn't see him as worth saving. And if Yuki asks her, she'd say that upfront. XD

2013-09-04 [Kbird]: Lol I figured XP

2013-09-04 [ancienteye]: XD Would Yuki know who to hate, then?

Or what about if Jace told him the same thing he told Alex, Jack, and Anabell on the way to District Twelve?

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: Yuki still wouldn't know~! especially with what Haniko is going tell him.

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: What's she gonna tell him? :P

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: That the facilitys going to pin them against each other like they did with Jace, Mark & Fern

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Ah~

2013-09-05 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: who's go is it cause I've got nothing for Lil Will right now

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: I thought it was Crimson's...

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: it is..unless Fern has something to say/do

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: She's in the O.O part right now. XP In total shock~

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: lol nice

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Night.

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: night

2013-09-05 [ancienteye]: Nevermind. We're waiting up for a delivery. But soon, I'll log off.

2013-09-05 [Kbird]: oh okay....I have to get of soon

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern had three reasons for protecting Yuki.

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: 1 she owns him 2 Haniko wanted her too....and 3 ?

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: 1: She owns him. 2: Haniko is an employee. 3: She's a big sister, too.

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: XD she so nice!!

Graham: I told you so~ =3

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Told who what, kitty?"

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: You, that you are nice! =^-^=

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Don't go around telling people that. If people start thinking I'm soft, we'll all end up skinned."

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: I don't tell everyone that....infect you the one I tell the most~

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Pft." e____e "I'd rather you stop saying it at all."

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: aww~ no need to try covering it up~ ^-^

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: "There's nothing to cover. I demand loyalty and respect and I give equal amounts in return. There's nothing 'nice' about it."

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: hahaha of course not! <XP

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: e_____________e

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: =3 *tail happily swooshing *

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: *so doesn't trust that expression*

By the way: Rhett said something a while ago.

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: ooops! Oh was Aspen the one talking just now with Fern and Mark?

Graham: =3 ......I wove you~

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: No. Still Fern. Aspen doesn't like to interfere when people are talking about her. It gives her the chance to be snoopy about their opinions.

Fern: "Get back to work."

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: can I have a hug first~

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: *continues going over her papers and doesn't offer a hug...but doesn't move away, either*

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: You forgot Rhett, again. TT__TT

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: Graham: <:(...... X3 *hugs her before happily waltzing away*

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Fern: *rolls eyes, but smiles a little*

2013-09-11 [ancienteye]: Did Celest ever select a room?

2013-09-11 [Kbird]: yes

2013-09-18 [ancienteye]: Fern asked a question and I miss playing Rhett. TT____TT I'm in a Rhett mood, today...

2013-09-19 [Kbird]: Ill edit soon......

2013-09-19 [ancienteye]: Ok.

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: What's going on?

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: I edited Fern and Marks area

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Fern's still in a robe, you know. XD

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: XD I forgot!

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Be back...

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Ok. :/

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: sorry I went to a Medieval times show

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: That's ok. :P

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: it's moments like this when I feel bad for Luki.

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Um...Where's the post? :/

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: -.- I put it in Rhett and Lilly's area... I'll fix it

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Ok. XP

2013-11-02 [ancienteye]: Is the ghost still there?

2013-11-02 [Kbird]: sorry I forgot to mention he's either gone or invisible

2014-03-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok, where will they be?

2014-03-19 [Kbird]: yep i edited.

bottom of Fern's room.

2014-03-19 [ancienteye]: Ok. :o

2014-03-20 [Kbird]: Crimson, do you want to go or should i ?

2014-03-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sorry I disappeared, was making dinner.

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